Experience counts in resolving disputed document matters and our team of forensic scientists has many years of successfully handling cases throughout the United States. Each of our specialists has demonstrated a combination of academic excellence and real world experience in a major government crime laboratory.
Rely on our experts to provide you with the highest quality of forensic services. Meet the group:
Richard T. Picciochi
Signature, Handwriting and Document Examinations

Richard Picciochi is a Questioned Document Examiner with thirty five years of experience in the New York City Police Department Crime Laboratory and in private practice. He is retired from the NYPD Forensic Investigation Division where he was a Detective, Document Examiner and the Technical Supervisor of the Questioned Document Unit.
Mr. Picciochi possesses a background that integrates the natural sciences, the forensic sciences and law enforcement investigations. He has earned a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science and has received extensive specialized training in questioned document analyses by the NYPD, the FBI and the United States Secret Service. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Document Examiners (
ABFDE) a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (
AAFS and a Technical Assessor for ANSI National Accreditation Board (
Mr. Picciochi has examined thousands of disputed handwriting and document cases, participated in numerous high profile investigations and testified in trials including the Zodiac homicides and the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. He has qualified as an expert in Federal, State and Administrative courts throughout the United States and in international trials.
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Aurora S. Dumitra
Signature, Handwriting and Document Examinations
Aurora Dumitra is a Questioned Document Examiner with over fifteen years of experience in the forensic sciences and is currently a supervisor in a nationally accredited government crime laboratory. Her training and experience includes handwriting, document and trace evidence examinations. She has examined numerous cases and has testified as an expert witness.
Ms. Dumitra holds a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science from the CUNY John JayCollege of Criminal Justice. She has completed graduate courses in handwriting and questioned document examinations at the Oklahoma State University and has received specialized training by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In addition she keeps current in the field by participating in symposia, conducting research and presenting scientific papers.
Ms. Dumitra is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), the International Association for Identification (IAI), National Institute of Standards and Technology - Organization of Scientific Area Committees (NIST / OSAC), and the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (NYS / DCJS) Technical Working Group (TWG) for Document Examiners. Ms. Dumitra is also a Technical Assessor in Questioned Documents for ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB).
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Kenny Eng
Latent Fingerprint Comparisons
Kenneth Eng is a Latent Fingerprint Examiner with over thirty-five years of experience in the New York City Police Department, Phoenix Police Department and private contracting for the Department of Homeland Security. He has received extensive training from the NYPD and the FBI, continues to attend specialized training workshops and has attained certification by the International Association for Identification.
Mr. Eng has evaluated and classified known and unknown prints, searched databases for suspects and has performed over 800,000 comparisons. In addition, he has conducted research, trained investigators, provided litigation support to attorneys and has been recognized as an expert witness in Local, State and Federal Courts.
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Andrew Guster
Digital Imaging and Court Exhibits
Andrew J. Guster is experienced in a broad spectrum of evidentiary photography with a focus on image enhancement and demonstrative court presentations. He is retired from the New York City Police Department where he had over ten years of experience as a detective assigned to both the Latent Print and Crime Laboratory Sections. Mr. Guster is experienced in record photography, specialized alternate light spectrum photography, 360° virtual scene photography, digital image processing and creating enlarged court exhibits.
Mr. Guster has received both formal and practical training in scientific photography with the NYPD, FBI, Department of Defense and the Nikon Corporation. He was also the NYPD representative to the FBI/Scientific Working Group on Image Technology (
SWIGIT) and continues to keep current in the field through affiliations with the following organizations:
- Evidence Photographer International Council (EPIC)
- National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP)
- Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
- Professional Photographers of Greater New York (PPGNY)
- Professional Photographers Society of New York State (PPSNYS)
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